Our Approach and Values

My Vitality Physio offers comprehensive treatment, as diverse as the number of people and cases being treated.

Our treatment is based on the latest scientific research and principles, however, treating pain is just as much an art as it is a science - what works for one person may not always work for the next.

In our mission to help you become pain-free, our expert practitioners are trained in all aspects of physiotherapy. More than just master's or doctor’s degree qualified, our team are also forever learners. 

We embrace the latest research and professional development opportunities so that we remain thoroughly equipped to help you return to sport, work and life sooner.

MVP: an Integrated Approach

At MVP, we pride ourselves on our comprehensive and specific client management. While each of our clinicians may bring their own unique approach to your session, we share a common belief that treatment should be holistic and client-focused.

It all Starts with a Goal

Whether you are an elite athlete or not, each person has their own reason for wanting to feel better and get back to enjoying life. At MVP, we believe that our clients are the centre-point of the decision-making process. We understand that there is more than one approach to getting you better, so our physiotherapists and exercise physiologists will take the time to understand your goals and tailor your treatment accordingly.


Injury advice and pain education is an often overlooked form of treatment that forms part of our comprehensive approach. Here at MVP, we have found that education can have the biggest influence on how fast patients recover. Our practitioners seek to inform and educate you about what is causing your pain and how each method of treatment can benefit you. Understanding how pain works and how it is caused is essential for you to overcome your condition. Education can motivate you to make any necessary changes and also to adhere to any home exercises your practitioner recommends.

All of our clinical team are dedicated to their ongoing learning, and have continued to upskill in both pain education as well as their own particular areas of interest. Choosing the right clinician can be important, so you can meet the team here to view a list of their qualifications and specialty areas.

Manual Therapy or Exercise?

Our answer to this common question is both! A combination of both hands-on techniques as well as graded exercise has been clinically proven to get clients feeling better and staying better.

Our physiotherapy team is very experienced in the utilisation of various manual therapy techniques, such as soft tissue massage, trigger point therapy, dry needling, joint mobilisation and manipulation. Each of these techniques is proven to aid in short term pain management and functional improvement, so that you can start to feel better sooner. They also are a great way to allow clients to begin gradual progressive stretching and exercise, which are key to achieving long-term improvement. At MVP, we have the benefit of having both physiotherapists and exercise physiologists as part of our team who are very experienced in exercise for pain management as well as functional improvement.

Depending on your individual needs, you may start off needing some hands-on help to start your recovery process. Our physiotherapy team are more than capable of assessing your condition and begin treatment to get you back on track. As you progress in your rehabilitation, or if starting off pain-free, our accredited exercise physiologists can help design a personalised exercise program tailored to your specific goals and exercise needs.

 Our Values

In order to achieve our purpose, to inspire our clients to believe in and achieve higher levels of physical health and performance, My Vitality Physio upholds our values of excellence, well-being and integrity.

We strive to provide a premium quality service, and are inspired by the quote from William A. Foster, “quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and sincere execution.”

We believe that this process begins with our staff, who are committed to living out these values in their work and in their own lives. We hope to inspire you to do the same in yours.

Committed to being Professional

We want to ensure that our clients enjoy their time at the clinic. Our team members are fun, friendly and warm, and want you to feel comfortable during your time here.

We have both female and male practitioners, so please let our reception team know if you have a preference regarding the gender of your practitioner.

When you first attend My Vitality Physio, we will ask you to sign a consent form. This is because, in order to understand and treat your condition, our practitioners may ask questions of a personal nature or make physical contact.

It is up to you to determine how much information you provide, and our staff will always ask your permission before making physical contact with you in any way. Some treatments, such as dry needling, also require further consent from you.

Our clinic features private treatment rooms so that you can be treated in privacy and comfort at all times. Some exercises may require equipment in our gym, which is only available to our clients.

Our initial assessment will help determine the best course of action for your condition and we will never employ a technique that you are not comfortable with.

Committed to Excellence

My Vitality Physio strives to be excellent in all that we do, from the moment that you book your first appointment to when you leave our clinic for the last time, pain-free.

In fact, we take our pursuit of excellence so seriously that we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with our service, your next appointment with your choice of our staff will be free.

We are always looking for ways to improve our service, so please contact our team if you have any feedback.

Committed to Well-being

As our name suggests, living with vitality is very important to us. We encourage a healthy work-life balance for all of our team members, because we know that balance is so important for well-being.

We firmly believe that one’s health is a complex blend of many factors, and encourage our clients to make positive lifestyle choices where applicable to help them be their best.

While pain and injuries can inhibit mobility, we aspire to keep our clients as active as possible during the course of their treatment. While this may mean modifying your physical activity, with some treatment, we will have you back on track with your usual routine before long.

Committed to Integrity

MVP upholds the expectation that all of our staff act ethically at all times, with honesty, integrity and professionalism.

We are committed to acting sustainably for the environment wherever possible. Our leadership is open to suggestions regarding how we can reduce our environmental impact, so please contact our team if you have any feedback.