
The My Vitality Physiotherapists collectively have over fifty years experience in helping Gold Coasters become pain-free, so you can return to work, sport and life. 

In-clinic, home visits and telehealth appointments available.

Can a physio treat my condition?

You can be confident a My Vitality Physiotherapist can get you out of pain as quickly as possible with our caring and professional approach. Our knowledgeable team is highly trained in manual therapy, dry needling, exercise science, exercise physiology and rehabilitation programs, so you can be sure to experience top quality service and therapy.

My Vitality Physios have over 50 years combined experience in treating a wide variety of conditions, including:

  • Back and neck pain

  • Shoulder pain

  • Headaches and jaw pain

  • Repetitive strain and overuse injuries

  • Sports rehabilitation and injury prevention

  • Women’s and men’s pelvic health

  • Orthopedic conditions

  • Post-operative rehabilitation

  • Arthritis and joint pain

  • Work-related injuries

  • Chronic disease management

What type of treatment can I expect?

When you first attend My Vitality Physio, one of our caring professionals will chat with you about your current injury, any previous injuries that may be relevant and your daily lifestyle. We will also assess how healthy you are medically, as well as assessing your particular injury.

We are firm believers in the power of hands-on treatment for pain relief and recovery. Our team is highly skilled in this regard and will employ manipulation and mobilisation techniques to compliment your individualised progressive strengthening program.

A typical treatment plan may include a blend of some of the following:

  1. Education about your condition

  2. Mobilisation and manipulation techniques

  3. Taping and bracing

  4. Balance and proprioception training

  5. Massage

  6. Progressive exercise

  7. Dry needling/ acupuncture

  8. Extracorporeal shockwave therapy

Our initial assessment will help determine the best course of action for your condition and we will never employ a technique that you are not comfortable with.

Click here to meet the MVP team

Our team in action

How long will it take me to get better?

Your condition and severity will affect how long it takes you to get out of pain.

Most patients will experience some relief after their initial assessment and treatment session. On rare occasions, you may experience some post-treatment soreness, however this is a part of the recovery process.

Typically, we recommend between 1-2 appointments within your first week so that we can accurately assess and begin to build a management plan tailored to your condition.

Most simple causes of pain can be treated and resolved within 2-4 weeks of your initial appointment. This is typically followed by weekly appointments to reassess your progression and ensure your continued improvement. 

Those with more complex conditions usually require 2-3 months of treatment. This can vary from person to person, so we will continue to monitor and keep you updated on your expected recovery time.

It’s common for many people to then choose to continue with a maintenance program where you attend every 4-6 weeks for a check up and review of your program. You could then extend to 3 and 6 month reviews as required.

Is there anything I can do to get better sooner?

Become educated about your condition

Our therapist will help to identify the particular action(s) that are causing your pain and will educate you on how to best manage these. Understanding how pain works, why you get it, and what makes it better or worse is essential for you to overcome your condition.

Not sure where to start? Our team regularly post blogs on various topics to help our clients become more educated. You can view our posts here.

Adhere to your tailored exercise program

This can be challenging at times; however, your physio will instruct you on how often to practice your exercises so you can safely improve your condition while reducing your pain. It is important to trust your physio’s guidance to achieve lasting results.

See a Physio as soon as possible

To get better sooner, there is no better time to come in to see our team than the present! We guarantee same-day service, no waiting times and 100% satisfaction, so get in touch!

Click here to meet the MVP team

Book a Physiotherapy session

To book a session with an MVP Physiotherapist, you can book online or call us on (07) 5531 9555.

Alternatively, you can fill out the adjacent form and a member of our team will contact you to book a session at a time that best suits your schedule.

If you fill the form out over the weekend, we will contact you on Monday.